I’m Erik. I’m a computer security, privacy, and networking researcher. I believe that stuffing should be enjoyed year-round, not just on Thanksgiving, and that every dog deserves to have its nose booped.
I’m a University of Maryland Computer Science PhD candidate working in the security, privacy, and networking spaces. I’ve published a number of peer-reviewed articles in highly-competitive computer science journals and conference proceedings like IEEE S&P, SIGCOMM, and IMC, and have presented original research at top security conventions like Black Hat USA. I also run the IPv6 Observatory project.
I’m also an alliteration advocate, serial comma champion, diaeresis disciple, ligature lover, and semicolon supporter. Kerning is pretty groovy. I’ve been called an erratic (ultra)marathoner, erstwhile Marine, and dog aficionado. My Erdős number is 3 (Gera→Chartrand→Erdős).
CV | CV (PDF) | Google Scholar | rye (at) umd.edu